Title: Destiny Unhinged
Author: Kimber Shook
Published: June 10, 2012
Synopsis: VANESSA anxiously waits for her birthday, a boyfriend and some much needed excitement in her dull and boring life. She soon finds herself torn between two guys. Well, I guess that is what she would call them, even though one is a dead Alien King. MAX, a dead alien who is trapped in limbo between two worlds and longs for Vanessa, his destiny, to help him home and become his Queen. He offers her his world, his heart and his future. TOBY, a good looking guy who shows an interest and a desire to be with Vanessa, has confessed that he too has a destiny that he's meant to be with another. However, it’s a destiny he doesn’t want. The connection that Vanessa has with Max is strong but the desire she has for Toby may be even stronger. Will she accept what Destiny has in store for her or find a way to escape to find one all on her own? Purchase on Kindle / Smashwords /Diesel Ebooks / Barnes and Noble
My Thoughts: I think that the premise for Destiny Unhinged was good. Kimber Shook took the girl trying to choose between two boys scenario and added some extra elements. Instead of vampires and werewolves we have an alien king and what we assume is a human boy (I have my doubts).
Vanessa was an interesting girl. She seemed a little flighty but I guess who wouldn't be with two guys trying to make them their destiny, right? Sometimes she was super spunky and told them just how she felt. She was quick to forgive and mostly easy going though.
Max was a bit overwhelming. He just popped in whenever he wanted and took over. It made him a little unlikable. Then you have Toby who seems to have a lot of secrets as the book goes on. It sure made it tough to pick a team to root for. I have my doubts about Toby and his family, I think, in the next book a lot of light will be shown on who they truly are.
I struggled with this book. I think my biggest issue was the present tense. It just really isn't how I personally like my books. That isn't to say that others who like writing in present tense won't enjoy this book. This book just wasn't my style.
My Rating:
About Kimber Shook I'm a huge sci-fi fan. I love all the paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi genres, of course, when romance is thrown in, it just makes it even better. I grew up with a desire to write. Now being considered a middle-aged woman I have decided I'm running out of time. I stopped taking for granted the amount of time I have left to live and take matters into my own hands by actually working on a dream. Writing a novel, Destiny Unhinged. It's a great feeling to say I'm not just waiting for life to come to me, but rather I'm going after it and not letting go.
Connect with Kimber Shook
Webite: http://www.kimbershook.com Blog: http://kimbershook.blogspot.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimber-Shook/412033422166299 Twitter: @KimberShook <https://twitter.com/KimberShook> About Me: http://about.me/kimbershook Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/kimbershook Formspring: http://www.formspring.me/kimbershook Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6421095.Kimber_Shook Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/authors/a1002687040/Kimber-Shook Library Thing: http://www.librarything.com/profile/kimbershookFollow the Tour I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.