Title: Bitten Shame
Author: Olivia Hardin
Synopsis: Jill Prescott returned from self-imposed seclusion to help save her best friend Devan’s life. Throwing herself into Devan’s problems and bringing an evil organization to its knees might just be the distraction she needs to keep living without the only man she’s ever loved. Her life changed forever when she was hired to spend a week with Doc Massey.
On the day she became a vampire her youthful innocence ended, but Doc’s love rescued her from being consumed by the darkness. The shadow of that former life continues to loom over her, keeping her from realizing her own self-worth. Running from her past only brings her closer to a destiny that is inextricably connected to what she is trying to escape…
Every gift has both a reward and a price, because All of it fits…
My Thoughts: I had a lot of fun reading Bitten Shame. It grabbed my attention quickly and pulled me in to the story. I enjoyed seeing Jill's past and present as the story went on. It definitely gave the reader a lot of insight into who Jill was. Jill always seemed to be doubting herself through out the book. Even in her past, before becoming a vampire, she doubted her intelligence. I found her to a very intelligent character though.
I loved the Faery world! The descriptions of how the geography is, was very interesting. I also loved Roon. He's so playful and fun. I hope there will be much more of him in the next book. Devon's continued story is nice to see. I will be looking forward to what happens with her next, especially after all she learns in this book.
I think that Olivia Hardin did a great job with this book. I am looking forward to the next book. She is expanding the world of the Bend-Bite-Shift Trilogy. I am a little sad that there will only be the three books. I feel like she could really flesh out the stories and create so much. Regardless, I look forward to what she comes up with next!
About the Author - Olivia Hardin realized early on how strange she was to have complete movie-like character dreams as a child. Eventually she began putting those vivid dreams to paper and was rarely without her spiral notebooks full of those mental ramblings. Her forgotten vision of becoming an author was realized when she connected with a group of amazingly talented and fabulous writers who gave her lots of direction and encouragement. With a little extra push from family and friends, she hunkered down to get lost in the words. She's also an insatiable crafter who only completes about 1 out of 5 projects, a jogger who hates to run, and is sometimes accused of being artistic, though she's generally too much of a perfectionist to appreciate her own work. A native Texas girl, Olivia lives in the beautiful Lone Star state with her husband and their puppy Bonnie.
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I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.