Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday - Top 10 Books I'd Hand to Someone Who Says They Don't Like To Read

Top Ten Tuesdays is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This weeks theme is Top 10 Books I'd Hand to Someone Who Says They Don't Like To Read. So here you go:

1. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling - This book is just awesome! I like to think it will pull in any reader.

2. The Giver by Lois Lowery - I recommend this book to every person. It's just amazing.

3. Redwall by Brian Jacques - I picked this because my husband hates to read but he loves this books and all that follow it in the series.

4. Shilo by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor - A boy saving an abused dog. Great book and not crazy long.

5. Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - A kid survives with nothing but a hatchet in the wilderness after a plane crash. It will get your attention. 

6. The Angel Experiment by James Patterson - Mutant bird kids, I mean who won't want to read what happens to them!

7. Witch and Wizard by James Patterson - Well, I know it's another magic book but if James Patterson can't make you want to read, you may just never like reading. 

8. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls - This is just another book I think anyone can get into. Who can hate a book about a boy and his dogs, well unless you hate the end...

Sadly I can only think of eight. I'm just not sure what else I could suggest. Sorry! What about you? What books would you suggest? Let me know in the comments, and stop by next week for the Top Ten Books That Broke My Heart A Little.


  1. Yes, Where the Red Fern Grows!!!!!! Fantastic classic! It has been ages and ages since I've read it. The only other book I've read on your list is Harry Potter. I'm going to check what else you've got on your list. I'm always looking for something new and fantastic!!!

    1. They are all really great books! I hope you will like them. If you decide to read The Giver and like it, there are two others that are companion books for it that are also really great, Messenger and Gathering Blue. All are relatively short books and really good.
