Monday, October 19, 2015

The Trouble with Snowmen by Dorlana Vann - Review

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The Trouble with Snowmen by Dorlana VannSnowmen drift into your life like they were sent from above. The relationship is great, rolls right along, and builds. Everything seems perfect … until a little heat is introduced. Then they melt, leaving only their hat, their scarf, something to remind their victims of what they’d lost. Urban cowgirl Haley Monroe is told that the fabulously hot guy who just dumped her was a snowman. Her friend Maximilian convinces her that the only way she’ll ever stop being played by snowmen is to become one. It takes a lot of drinks to work up the nerve, but Haley gets her sexy on and goes on the prowl. Famous horror author Larry White drops everything to attend a midnight séance at Maximilian’s apartment where he meets Haley. By the way she’s dressed—and just propositioned him—he assumes she’s a hooker. Larry can’t pass up the chance to get inside her head, especially since prostitution is the character’s occupation in his next book. After spending the weekend together, unexpected sparks surprise both Haley and Larry. The trouble is Haley is dead-set on snowmanning the unkempt “starving artist” she met at the séance, and Larry doesn’t think he could have a real relationship with a woman with a past, so they go their separate ways. The real fun begins when they meet again and find out neither one of them were who they thought they were. Can they reignite the flame? Or will they have a snowman’s chance in hell?

Available now on Amazon

 My Thoughts: The Trouble with Snowmen is a cute romance. Well actually it's a disaster turned romance. I found myself shaking my head at how much these two characters could mess up. It was funny and it made their story more interesting.

Haley is a sweet girl. She's a people pleaser, which isn't a bad thing, but I felt like she let people walk on her at times. She grows some in the story, and figures out where she wants her life to go. I liked that part a lot. Her relationship with Larry is a little messy at times, but I was really rooting for them.

The side characters in this book were a lot of fun. Maximilian was a great friend, if somewhat self-absorbed. I liked Haley's parents a lot, even though they were only in the book briefly. The slightly spooky aspect of the possible ghosts added something extra to the book. This is a fast and fun read that people will enjoy.


About the author:

The inspirations for Dorlana’s books and short stories are fairy tales, the supernatural, and classic romantic comedies. She has several books (teen and adult) available. She lives in Texas, near Houston, which is also the setting for her upcoming romance series Trouble with Men. The series will have fun, new dating terms and concepts, outrageous shenanigans, and a touch of magical realism. She enjoys shopping, TX Hold’em, movies, shoes, the beach, restaurants, and festivals.
Find the author:
Website/Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

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I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Diary of a Single Wedding Planner by Violet Howe - Review

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Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00001]Wedding planner Tyler Warren left heartbreak behind when she ran away from her small Southern hometown and started a new life in a big city. Years later, she wants to believe in the fairy-tale endings her job promotes, but the clients she meets day after day seem to be more “Crazily Ever After” than “Happily Ever After.” Meanwhile, her own attempts at romance play out as bizarre comedies rather than love stories, and she’s starting to think Prince Charming either fell off his horse or got eaten by a dragon. When unresolved issues from Tyler’s past complicate things even further, she discovers she may yet have some things to figure out before she can find her own happy ending. This delightful first book in the Tales Behind the Veils series chronicles Tyler’s wacky misadventures, both personal and professional. Whether she’s getting insane requests from brides or outlandish requests on dates, you’re sure to be charmed and entertained by the Diary of a Single Wedding Planner.

Buy on Amazon

 My thoughts: I have to say I loved this book. It was funny and well written. My kids love all the diary books available to them. This is the first one I've read for an adult. It was really entertaining. Tyler's journey of self discovery is well worth the read.

Tyler (love the name!) is a southern girl, a sweetheart, and full of hilarious thoughts. The way she recounts the couples in the book had me grinning. It was like every bride show on television but in book form, so it was better. Add in all her own moments of nervous mishaps and dating disasters and I wasn't ready for the story to end. I kept trying to go on to the next page before I realized it was the end of the story. I'll be looking forward to more of the Tales Behind the Veils series. I can't imagine what trouble Tyler will find herself in next.


violetAbout the author:

Violet Howe enjoys writing romance with humor. She lives in Florida with her husband, who is her knight in shining armor, and their two handsome sons. They share their home with three adorable but spoiled dogs. When she’s not writing, Violet is usually watching movies, reading, or planning her next travel adventure. You can follow Violet’s ramblings on her blog, The Goddess Howe.
Find Violet: Website | Facebook | Twitter The Goddess Howe: Blog | Facebook | Twitter

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I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Doomed Soul by Robert Boomsliter - Book Tour

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Doomed Soul A man without faith shares his views as the end of life approaches.The views are reflections on religion, morality and death.The deeply religious will find little of interest here and may find some of the material incomprehensible. Some moderates who have noticed twinges of doubt or discomfort in certain beliefs may find some explanations for those feelings. The faithless will probably understand it all. It is the author's hope that for them, it will be a pleasant read.

Buy on Amazon

About the author:

Robert - Doomed SoulI am a retired electrical engineer, my career of 41 years spent mostly in Silicon Valley, California. I was one of those extremely fortunate individuals who enjoyed their work so much that it seemed unfair that I should be paid to perform it. My profession required some technical writing but I never aspired to author anything that would be interesting to the general reader. Doomed Soul is my first attempt to do so and I hope that its introduction is a clear explanation why I chose to do it. I currently live in Florida with my wife Babs and two bichon frise dogs named Boomer and Gabby. Find Robert on Goodreads and connect on Literary Addicts

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden - Free Until 10/9!

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SanctuaryeBookLeft Behind for the Hunger Games Generation

In a heart-racing thriller described as Falling Skies meets The Walking Dead, Jennie struggles to find a safe place for what's left of her family. But it seems as though there is no place sacred, no place secure. First the aliens attacked the sun, making it dimmer, weaker, and half what it used to be. Then they attacked the water supply, killing one-third of Earth's population with a bitter contaminate. And when they unleash a new terror on humankind, the victims will wish for death, but will not find it… When the world shatters to pieces around her, will Jennie find the strength she needs to keep going?

Buy on Audible / Amazon (Free until 10/9)/ Paperback

Pauline Creeden

Pauline CreedenPauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long. Follow Pauline Creeden: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Diary of a Single Wedding Planner by Violet Howe - Book Blast

diary of a single wedding planner tour banner

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00001]Wedding planner Tyler Warren left heartbreak behind when she ran away from her small Southern hometown and started a new life in a big city. Years later, she wants to believe in the fairy-tale endings her job promotes, but the clients she meets day after day seem to be more “Crazily Ever After” than “Happily Ever After.” Meanwhile, her own attempts at romance play out as bizarre comedies rather than love stories, and she’s starting to think Prince Charming either fell off his horse or got eaten by a dragon. When unresolved issues from Tyler’s past complicate things even further, she discovers she may yet have some things to figure out before she can find her own happy ending. This delightful first book in the Tales Behind the Veils series chronicles Tyler’s wacky misadventures, both personal and professional. Whether she’s getting insane requests from brides or outlandish requests on dates, you’re sure to be charmed and entertained by the Diary of a Single Wedding Planner.

Buy on Amazon


violetAbout the author:

Violet Howe enjoys writing romance with humor. She lives in Florida with her husband, who is her knight in shining armor, and their two handsome sons. They share their home with three adorable but spoiled dogs. When she’s not writing, Violet is usually watching movies, reading, or planning her next travel adventure. You can follow Violet’s ramblings on her blog, The Goddess Howe.
Find Violet: Website | Facebook | Twitter The Goddess Howe: Blog | Facebook | Twitter

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The Trouble With Snowmen by Dorlana Vann - Book Tour

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The Trouble with Snowmen by Dorlana VannSnowmen drift into your life like they were sent from above. The relationship is great, rolls right along, and builds. Everything seems perfect … until a little heat is introduced. Then they melt, leaving only their hat, their scarf, something to remind their victims of what they’d lost. Urban cowgirl Haley Monroe is told that the fabulously hot guy who just dumped her was a snowman. Her friend Maximilian convinces her that the only way she’ll ever stop being played by snowmen is to become one. It takes a lot of drinks to work up the nerve, but Haley gets her sexy on and goes on the prowl. Famous horror author Larry White drops everything to attend a midnight séance at Maximilian’s apartment where he meets Haley. By the way she’s dressed—and just propositioned him—he assumes she’s a hooker. Larry can’t pass up the chance to get inside her head, especially since prostitution is the character’s occupation in his next book. After spending the weekend together, unexpected sparks surprise both Haley and Larry. The trouble is Haley is dead-set on snowmanning the unkempt “starving artist” she met at the séance, and Larry doesn’t think he could have a real relationship with a woman with a past, so they go their separate ways. The real fun begins when they meet again and find out neither one of them were who they thought they were. Can they reignite the flame? Or will they have a snowman’s chance in hell?

Available now on Amazon


About the author:

The inspirations for Dorlana’s books and short stories are fairy tales, the supernatural, and classic romantic comedies. She has several books (teen and adult) available. She lives in Texas, near Houston, which is also the setting for her upcoming romance series Trouble with Men. The series will have fun, new dating terms and concepts, outrageous shenanigans, and a touch of magical realism. She enjoys shopping, TX Hold’em, movies, shoes, the beach, restaurants, and festivals.
Find the author:
Website/Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

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