Saturday, September 26, 2015

Real Ways Moms Can Work from Home by Mandie Stevens - Book Blast!

RWWhardbackIf you could change your life for less than $5 would you?
It's true--you can stay home with your children and still earn money! Work-at-home businesses are on the rise, and Mandie Stevens has been living this life for almost ten years.
Do you need to pay for dance lessons for your kids? Do you want to pay off credit card debt? Or do you need full-time income? You can do it. Find out how to get started with this book.
Purchase on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / iBooks / Kobo
Amazon Review - This book has websites and gives help as to how to build your audience. For someone like me it has to be dumbed down enough for me to understand and I had no problem following her how to’s. Other how to books lose me, they offer so much information that after a while it all seems Chinese to me. This book was point on and she tells it to you straight, you have to put yourself out there if you want to get something out of it.
Amazon Review - It gives real life tips and advice on how you can get started including websites you can visit. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but honest to goodness ways you can start a business from the comfort of your own home. The author does not sugar coat anything by saying it's easy and will just fall into your lap. She lets you know you have to work for it, but shows that it can be achieved. The book includes her testimony as well as that of several others who have been successfully doing this for years. This book is the real deal.
Mandie Stevens has always been accused of living in her own world so she decided to put it to paper. When she isn’t writing you can catch her lounging on the beach reading. Mandie has penned both non-fiction and urban fantasy. She has ridiculously little feet and would be happy eating seafood every day.
Want a little extra help starting a blog? Check out this giveaway. OPEN WORLDWIDE. Must be 18+
Fill out the form below to enter to win.
Ends 10/5

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Path by Tawdra Kandle & All For Family by Olivia Hardin - Reviews

AFF & TP tour banner
The Path CoverAbby Donavan came to the small beach community of Crystal Cove to start over. After a painful affair broke her heart and derailed her burgeoning career, taking over management for the just-opened bed-and-breakfast was the safe choice. In this sleepy town, Abby figured she could bury her memories and forget the pain.
When the chance to have her own hotel falls into her lap, though, she can’t resist the temptation. Making the old Riverside Inn into the showplace she’s always dreamed of running offers the second chance she never expected.
Abby didn’t expect another kind of second chance to land on her doorstep at the same time. Ryland Kent wants to help her bring the Riverside back to life, and his passion for restoration is irresistible. But as much as she wants to ignore it, she can’t help seeing another spark in his eyes . . . one that offers to reignite her own flame.
Sometimes the path to a happily-ever-after is anything but smooth.

My Thoughts: Tawdra Kandle has to be one of my absolute favorite romance authors. She never fails to deliver a story that has plenty of feeling and heat. The Path was no exception. I love the world she has created with her Crystal Cove novels and all the characters.

Abby is a strong female, who is determined to prove that her past won't be repeated. Ryland is a stubborn guy who wants things his way and is ready to fight to get it. Abby and Ryland are an adorable couple. Their bickering entertained me. As the bickering grew into a relationship I loved them even more.

The Riverside Inn plays a huge role in this book. One I really enjoyed. I loved the picture that Tawdra Kandle painted of Riverside. She breathed life into the old Inn and made it an amazing piece of the story. Of course some of my old favorite characters made appearances in The Path, too. 

The Path is a beautiful love story. It could be read as a standalone, but trust me you'll want to get the whole Crystal Cove experience. Grab all the Crystal Cove books, and don't miss out on The One Trilogy either, since some of the characters cross over. I can't wait to read what Tawdra comes out with next!

Buy on Amazon / B&N / Smashwords / Kobo / Google Play / ARe / iBooks

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000035_00016]Wedding bells will soon be ringing in the Rawley family, but gearing up for Van and Kay’s nuptials revives old insecurities for Kay’s sister-in-law Meg. When she learns that her ex-husband is asking for her from his hospital bed, Meg must confront the painful memories of her past.
Family is everything for Jeremy Rawley. Most important is the one he and Meg created together. But their beginning was tangled in memories he wishes his wife could forget for good. A call from her past brings them back to a place he thought they’d never have to be again.
Forgiveness may be the key, but the first step is finding the locked heart that needs it.

My Thoughts: All For Family is the third book in the Rawley Family series. It's the first book in the series I read, and the beginning was a little confusing to me. I don't usually come into a series out of order, so I'll be going back to read the first two books in the near future. That being said, it was a really great book.

My absolute favorite part was that the characters weren't "perfect". Meg especially, was perfectly ordinary. A divorced, slightly older, and curvy woman who was worried about her flaws. She is a character that others can connect with. I also loved, that although her life had been handing her some serious lemons, Meg was all about trying to make lemonade. She didn't whine or cry, but smiled and carried on. She was awesome. Jeremy is from a well to do family in a foreign country. He's a bit stiff and maybe a little snobby, but he's a good guy. Meg's  love story with Jeremy was sweet. I loved the letters between them. They helped each other out, each bringing the other out of their shell a little. 

I enjoyed All For Family. The struggles and the fight to overcome them pulled the story along. I enjoyed the little hops in time throughout the book. I'm looking forward to getting the first two books to read and seeing what else Olivia Hardin comes out with. 


Buy on Amazon / iBooks / Nook / Kobo / Google Play

Follow the tour 

Blast begins September 9th 
( Thu. )
ReviewTaking Time for Mommy The Path
( Fri. )
Guest Post http://4covert2overt.blogspot{dot}com
( Mon. )
ExcerptSecond Book to the Right
( Tue. )
Guest Post
http://www.amamascorneroftheworld(dot)com A Mama’s Corner of the World
( Wed. )
Excerpthttp://www.whatutalkingboutwillis dot info
( Thu. )
( Fri. )
ReviewTaking Time for Mommy All for Family
ExcerptReading with Frugal Mom 
Guest PostThe Winey Reader http://thewineyreader{dot}com/
( Mon. )
( Tue. )
Excerpt Teatime and Books http://www.facebookdotcom/teatimeandbooks
Guest PostTeatime and Books http://www.facebookdotcom/teatimeandbooks
( Wed. )
( Thu. )
InterviewFoofy * Not Foofy www.foofynotfoofy [dot]com

I received an ARC of these books in exchange for my honest reviews. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

e-Murderer by Joan C. Curtis - Excerpt

emurderer tour banner
e-Murderer copyOn this anything but typical Monday morning Jenna Scali, who works part-time for a shrink, opens an email that depicts the brutal death of a young girl. On that same day the police uncover a dead coed two blocks from Jenna’s house. The e-murderer’s description creepily echos the death described in the newspapers. When Jenna receives other emails, she takes what she knows to the police and thus begins her journey in the path of the e-murderer. Her curious nature impels her from e-messages to dead coeds to a ring of prostitutes. With the help of her quirky friends, Jenna learns that she’s more than a conduit for the killer. She’s his target. New secrets unfold, and finally her love life takes a tumble when the true killer emerges. THE E-MURDERER is a race to find a psychotic killer before he kills again. This new mystery series with a young female sleuth promises to keep you glued to your seat until the last page.
Buy on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo Books / MuseItUp Publishing
Excerpt: I parked in front of the old woman’s house, reached into my glove
compartment for a notepad, and mounted the steps.

“If you’re selling something, I got no money,” the woman’s gruff voice called out.

“I’m not selling anything, ma’am. I only want to talk to you for a few

“Are you from the newspaper?”

When I reached the front porch, I could see the woman’s crinkly face, soft like an overripe apple. Thick glasses pinched the end of her nose. Her stockings were rolled down to her ankles, and she wore a thin short-sleeved dress.

“My name’s Jenna,” I said, deciding not to share my last name. “Did you know the girl who lived next door?”

“Knowed ’er all ’er life,” the woman said. “This was ’er granddaddy’s house. He passed on come three years now, I expect.”

The woman’s light brown eyes looked huge behind those thick lenses. Sweat
trickled down her face. “Marty moved in several years ago. She was studying at the university. She’d bring me cookies now and again, poor dear.”

My heart froze and my throat tightened at the mention of the dead girl’s name.

The author is giving away two prizes: One, a $15 Amazon or BN Gift card (their choice) and Two, a signed copy of the award-winning book, The Clock Strikes Midnight.

About the author:

Joan Curtis Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 6 books and numerous stories. Readers compare her to the great Southern writer, Fanny Flagg. “She writes characters and a story that will stay with you.” Her debut mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, won the silver medal for fiction/suspense in the Global eBook Awards for 2015 and is a finalist for the Royal Palm Literary Award. The e-Murderer won first place in the Malice Domestic Grants competition for new writers. Joan Curtis - RPLA_Finalist_Badge Joan has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. She reads all kinds of books, including women’s fiction, mysteries, biography, and nonfiction. Mystery/suspense with a psychological twist is exactly the kind of book Joan loves to read. "I write about characters who remind me of myself at times and my sister at times, but never fully so. My stories are told from a woman's point of view with a destiny. Characters drive my writing and my reading." Having grown up in the South with a mother from Westchester County New York, Joan has a unique take on blending the Southern traditions with the eye of a Northerner. She spent most of her childhood in North Carolina and now resides in Athens, Georgia. Author website: | Author’s blog: Facebook Author page: | Twitter page: @joancurtis

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sapphire Beautiful by Ren Monterrey - Review

Sapphire BeautifulWe both joined The Club and made an arrangement. I got the money to pay my mortgage and he got access to my body, whenever and however he wanted it…
SAPPHIRE BEAUTIFUL, a new full-length, stand-alone novel in Ren Monterrey’s THE CLUB series.
I never imagined that I’d be starting my fifth year as a faculty member in the Medieval Studies department as a thirty-two-year-old widow. I’m sure to be the butt of every joke around campus as the collateral damage of a sex scandal that made national headlines. And my husband left me completely broke after he killed himself.
I don’t want to lose my house and all the money I invested in it so I make an arrangement through The Club. I’ll get what I need…money to get out of the financial ruins my dead husband left me in. And Dante McNally will get what he wants…access to my body…whenever and however he wants it…
There’s only one catch. Dante is one of our new graduate students and the recipient of a prestigious research fellowship funded by his billionaire father. And this is the year I’m supposed to be applying for tenure.

Buy on Amazon 

 My Thoughts: Sapphire Beautiful is the first book I've read in Ren Monterrey's The Club series. I enjoyed it a lot. The characters were interesting and the plot was good. I felt like the end rushed a little, but I still liked it. 
Mary is an awesome leading female character. I think she is strong to deal with everything that is thrown at her. Her struggles, especially internally, really pull the story along. Dante made an intriguing leading male. His commanding ways mixed with his willingness to keep Mary happy is wonderful. I thought Lucy was fun and Dante's family was a mess. 
I like that it isn't all sunshine and roses. Ren Monterrey did a great job showing the awkwardness at the beginning and building the relationship through the book. I'm looking forward to checking out other books in this series. 

About the author:

renREN MONTERREY lives in a small town outside Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and their bloodhounds. She writes New Adult and Contemporary romance under a number of different pen names including Sierra Avalon, Savannah Young and Dakota Madison
Website / Facebook / Twitter 

I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts an opinions are 100% my own. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

September Giveaway! by Literary Addicts and eReading on the Cheap

September Giveaway.
This month we have two $25 Gift Cards (Amazon, Kobo, or Barnes and Noble) and 5 Book Swag Bags to give away!
Gift cards are open INT but Swag Bags are US only.
Fill out the form below to enter.

e-Murderer by Joan C. Curtis - Blast & Tour

emurderer tour banner
e-Murderer copyOn this anything but typical Monday morning Jenna Scali, who works part-time for a shrink, opens an email that depicts the brutal death of a young girl. On that same day the police uncover a dead coed two blocks from Jenna’s house. The e-murderer’s description creepily echos the death described in the newspapers. When Jenna receives other emails, she takes what she knows to the police and thus begins her journey in the path of the e-murderer. Her curious nature impels her from e-messages to dead coeds to a ring of prostitutes. With the help of her quirky friends, Jenna learns that she’s more than a conduit for the killer. She’s his target. New secrets unfold, and finally her love life takes a tumble when the true killer emerges. THE E-MURDERER is a race to find a psychotic killer before he kills again. This new mystery series with a young female sleuth promises to keep you glued to your seat until the last page.
Buy on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo Books / MuseItUp Publishing
The author is giving away two prizes: One, a $15 Amazon or BN Gift card (their choice) and Two, a signed copy of the award-winning book, The Clock Strikes Midnight.

About the author:

Joan Curtis Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 6 books and numerous stories. Readers compare her to the great Southern writer, Fanny Flagg. “She writes characters and a story that will stay with you.” Her debut mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, won the silver medal for fiction/suspense in the Global eBook Awards for 2015 and is a finalist for the Royal Palm Literary Award. The e-Murderer won first place in the Malice Domestic Grants competition for new writers. Joan Curtis - RPLA_Finalist_Badge Joan has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. She reads all kinds of books, including women’s fiction, mysteries, biography, and nonfiction. Mystery/suspense with a psychological twist is exactly the kind of book Joan loves to read. "I write about characters who remind me of myself at times and my sister at times, but never fully so. My stories are told from a woman's point of view with a destiny. Characters drive my writing and my reading." Having grown up in the South with a mother from Westchester County New York, Joan has a unique take on blending the Southern traditions with the eye of a Northerner. She spent most of her childhood in North Carolina and now resides in Athens, Georgia. Author website: | Author’s blog: Facebook Author page: | Twitter page: @joancurtis

Friday, September 11, 2015

Firewall by CG Powell - Release Day!

firewall release day
firewallAfter a whirlwind romance and quick marriage to her prince charming, Mae feels like the walls of her lavish paradise are closing in on her. Just when she’s given a little breathing room, her world comes crashing down. In Beck's eyes, no measure is too extreme to protect Mae and their unborn children. After realizing the cost of his zeal is Mae's happiness, he plans a getaway that will put into motion age-old plans set in place by the gods themselves. Overshadowed by a demon assassin, Mae becomes the very thing that Beck has tried to safeguard her from. With help from Aphrodite, Beck must reset the device that bonded him to Mae, and give the demon a new target before Mae destroys herself and the world around her. Can their love survive when all hell breaks loose?

Buy on Amazon | B&N | Smashwords | iTunes | Kobo

Meet the author:
CG Powell lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, children, cats and a puppy who terrorizes the above mentioned cats. When not writing, she loves to read, knit and craft.
You can follow Christine here…
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Path by Tawdra Kandle and All For Family by Olivia Hardin - Blast

AFF & TP tour banner
The Path CoverAbby Donavan came to the small beach community of Crystal Cove to start over. After a painful affair broke her heart and derailed her burgeoning career, taking over management for the just-opened bed-and-breakfast was the safe choice. In this sleepy town, Abby figured she could bury her memories and forget the pain.
When the chance to have her own hotel falls into her lap, though, she can’t resist the temptation. Making the old Riverside Inn into the showplace she’s always dreamed of running offers the second chance she never expected.
Abby didn’t expect another kind of second chance to land on her doorstep at the same time. Ryland Kent wants to help her bring the Riverside back to life, and his passion for restoration is irresistible. But as much as she wants to ignore it, she can’t help seeing another spark in his eyes . . . one that offers to reignite her own flame.
Sometimes the path to a happily-ever-after is anything but smooth.
Buy on Amazon / B&N / Smashwords / Kobo / Google Play / ARe / iBooks

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000035_00016]Wedding bells will soon be ringing in the Rawley family, but gearing up for Van and Kay’s nuptials revives old insecurities for Kay’s sister-in-law Meg. When she learns that her ex-husband is asking for her from his hospital bed, Meg must confront the painful memories of her past.
Family is everything for Jeremy Rawley. Most important is the one he and Meg created together. But their beginning was tangled in memories he wishes his wife could forget for good. A call from her past brings them back to a place he thought they’d never have to be again.
Forgiveness may be the key, but the first step is finding the locked heart that needs it.
Buy on Amazon / iBooks / Nook / Kobo / Google Play

Follow the tour 

Blast begins September 9th 
( Thu. )
ReviewTaking Time for Mommy The Path
( Fri. )
Guest Post http://4covert2overt.blogspot{dot}com
( Mon. )
ExcerptSecond Book to the Right
( Tue. )
Guest Post 
http://www.amamascorneroftheworld(dot)com A Mama’s Corner of the World
( Wed. )
Excerpthttp://www.whatutalkingboutwillis dot info
( Thu. )
( Fri. )
ReviewTaking Time for Mommy All for Family
ExcerptReading with Frugal Mom 
Guest PostThe Winey Reader http://thewineyreader{dot}com/
( Mon. )
( Tue. )
Excerpt Teatime and Books http://www.facebookdotcom/teatimeandbooks
Guest PostTeatime and Books http://www.facebookdotcom/teatimeandbooks
( Wed. )
( Thu. )
InterviewFoofy * Not Foofy www.foofynotfoofy [dot]com