Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Defcon Darcy by A.J. Lape - Book Blast

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DefconDarcy-COLORRGB72Fisher Stanton, Valley High School’s Nantucket wannabe, has a cheating girlfriend. When he hires Darcy Walker to chase her to a local club, in true Darcy fashion she stumbles upon a dead body. Thing is, this body has secrets...and Darcy’s mysterious friend, Jaws, and the reporter, Tito Westbrook, have a vested interest. Both enlist Darcy to find the person responsible who has eluded them for years, but Darcy doesn’t solve crimes for free anymore, especially where Jaws is concerned. Knowing Darcy’s Achilles heel, Jaws blackmails Darcy into working for him. In a true test of wills, Darcy and Jaws battle head-to-head to see who can outsmart the other—Jaws needs Darcy to help him end a bitter grudge war; Darcy needs Jaws to divulge the mystery surrounding her mother’s death. Haunted by a past that shaped her present, Darcy will stop at nothing to get answers. Even if it means breaking the law and being disloyal to her new boyfriend, Dylan Taylor, in the process. DEFCON DARCY gives Darcy’s demons a name and ties up loose ends that made Darcy into the verb that she is. What she thinks she knows as truth, isn’t. What she wishes wasn’t true…is. The problem is, when your life goes DEFCON 1, not everyone lives to tell about it. Put Defcon Darcy on your TBR list! Goodreads

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AJ LapeAbout the author:

A. J. Lape is the Amazon bestselling author of the Darcy Walker Series. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband, two daughters, an ADD dog, a spoiled hamster, and an unapologetic and unrepentant addiction to Coca-Cola--and a lifelong love affair with bacon. If the FBI ever checks her computer, she'll be wearing prison orange due to the various "wiki" articles she looks up…all in the name of career research, of course. Find out more about A. J. at


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Sunday, February 8, 2015

The First One by Tawdra Kandle - Release Day & Review


The First One

The One Trilogy Book 2

  Ali and Flynn were high school sweethearts. Eager to see the world and leave behind their small Georgia hometown, they’d planned for an exciting new life together after they finished school. But on graduation day, only one of them hit the road. Eight years down that road, an unexpected loss brings Flynn home again. He’s a big-shot photo journalist, and he’s made most of his plans reality. But he’s done it alone. Is it too late for his biggest dream to come true? Ali’s spent those years working hard, raising a daughter and helping her brother keep their family farm alive. Thinking about Flynn and what might have been is a pain she tries to avoid. . .even when it’s impossible to forget. Flynn’s return brings back feelings Ali thought were long dead and hopes she’d abandoned. Finding their way back to each other will change them forever, opening old wounds and stirring up memories. Can first love be the one to last forever?

My Thoughts: Tawdra Kandle knows how to weave a story that is both steamy and heartfelt. I cannot even tell you how many times I was brought to tears while I read The First One. I've been waiting for Ali's story ever since I finished reading The Last One, and I was not disappointed.

Ali and Flynn's story shifts between their present and their past. Each memory seems to open up more about their relationship and how it fell apart. Each memory seems to help them build something new. I loved their back and forth as a couple. I loved Ali's daughter. She has a lot of spirit and the moments with all three of them are amazing and perfect. I loved getting to read more about Sam and Meghan from The Last One. The other secondary characters were fun and added a lot to the story.

The First One is such a sweet second chance story. Their are steamy parts, but the don't overshadow the love story that is unfolding. This is a perfect read for anyone who enjoys a great romance. Grab The Last One first, and get caught up on how this trilogy begins. Now I can't wait for the next book! Please write quickly Tawdra!!


Available now!

Amazon/iBooks/Barnes and Noble

And don't miss the first book in The One Trilogy

The Last One

Tawdra Kandle writes romance, in just about all its forms. She loves unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her books run from YA paranormal romance (THE KING SERIES), through NA paranormal and contemporary romance (THE SERENDIPITY DUET, PERFECT DISH DUO, THE ONE TRILOGY) to adult contemporary and paramystery romance (CRYSTAL COVE BOOKS and RECIPE FOR DEATH SERIES). She lives in central Florida with a husband, kids, sweet pup and too many cats. And yeah, she rocks purple hair. Follow Tawdra on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram Visit her Website and subscribe to her Newsletter for special content and giveaways!

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.