Two Brothers: Origin (A Ramtalan Trilogy)
Genre: YA What teenage boy doesn’t want to fit in and have friends? That’s what Argus Dachel, 17, wants more than anything, but because he’s half alien, and a New Breed, that’s not as easy as it seems. And it sure doesn’t help that he and his brother, Tai, are being pursued by a secret government agency. To top it off, now in their senior year at public high school, both boys risk exposure when Argus uses his extraordinary strength to defend himself against the school bully, falls for 16 year-old Lola and then learns that New Breeds are set for extermination by another group of hostile aliens. As government agent Max Jackson gets close to discovering the brothers’ identity and the hostile alien forces close in, what chance do Argus and Tai have of survival?Buy on Amazon | B&N
My Review: Two Brothers: Origin had my attention from the beginning. I think it moved relatively quickly. I felt bad for the brothers; how much can a person handle so quickly? I guess it helped that they were part alien. I did find myself questioning some of the relationships, but I suspect that it will all be explained at some point.
Argus was a naive and completely
sweet teenage boy. He was sort of blind to how other people saw him, and it was
almost unbelievable. That being said, I still found him to be a very likeable
character. I actually enjoyed reading about him discovering the world outside
the careful bubble his aunt kept him in.
Tai was frustrating. I felt like he
was written to be the more aggressive and girl-getting twin. Oddly he never
seemed to have a girlfriend; instead he just seemed to run his mouth a lot. He
would have moments that I would be shaking my head at, and then he would redeem
himself a little. I wanted to like him because I liked Argus so much. It wasn’t
that he was written poorly, more so that I feel like he is almost an antagonist.
There were many other characters. I
found them all to be very well written, even if I didn’t like them all. I
always find myself drawn to the abilities characters have in books like this. I
loved how the brothers’ abilities progressed throughout the book.
I will be looking forward to what
else they can do in future books. This book was full of twists and turns that
readers will enjoy. It was exciting and well written. I think this is a great
first book, and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.
About the Author:
Born in Sydney, Australia, Ms. Gabel now lives in the United States with her family and hairless Sphynx cats. She has dabbled in several careers, including archaeology and wildlife biology, but writing is her true passion. She attended the University of Nevada, Reno, obtaining two bachelor degrees and has taken additional courses at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Ventura College in Ventura, California, and is currently enrolled in graduate school for archaeology. Like writing, learning is a part of her life. She is a multi-genre writer, with a historical romantic suspense novel, a women’s fiction novel and a science fiction novella recently published, as well as several short stories published online and in print. Her latest novel is Two Brothers: Origin, A Ramtalan Trilogy, a young adult science fiction novel. Her favorite quote paraphrased from Sir Francis Bacon: Knowledge is Power.
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I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.